Jane S. Wright, M.A., President & Director
Jane Wright has 43 years of experience as a teacher, administrator, and entrepreneur. She has spent the last ten years in the oil & gas industry as Director of Personnel and Corporate Planning for Questa Engineering and then Norwest Questa Engineering. As President, Jane leads all aspects of business administration including oversight of resources, accounting, and the company?s overall strategic vision. Her expertise includes business development, corporate planning, and operational management. Jane earned a Masters in Administration degree from Colorado State University. She also holds a BA in Home Economics from the University of Northern Colorado. During her time with Questa Engineering, she recruited and supported the development of an outstanding professional petroleum engineering and geologic team of over 50 employees and independent contractors. The team had a reputation for professional excellence both domestically and internationally. Jane brings dynamic leadership with vision, energy and enthusiasm to Wright Consulting.
John D. Wright, Ph.D., P.E., Chief Engineer
Dr. Wright has more than 47 years of domestic and international oil and gas experience in property evaluation, reservoir engineering, and coalbed natural gas development, and has been an expert witness in more than 40 oil and gas industry cases.
From 1988 to 2009 Dr. Wright was President of Questa Engineering Corporation and Norwest Oil and Gas Services (the successor to Questa). Dr. Wright’s responsibilities included being the chief technologist as well as chief administrator of this consulting firm. In his 20-year career with Questa and Norwest he actively worked on upstream oil and gas projects in the North and South America, Australia, Europe, Africa, and Asia.
Prior to 1998 Dr. Wright taught Petroleum Engineering at the Colorado School of Mines for seven years. From 1975 to 1980 he was a principal and founder of Jerry R. Bergeson & Associates, a Golden, Colorado Petroleum Engineering consulting firm. Immediately after his undergraduate degree he worked for the Continental Oil Company as a production engineer.
Dr. Wright has authored a number of technical papers, co-authored a book titled “Oil Property Evaluation” and wrote Chapter 16, Petroleum Economicsfor the Petroleum Engineering Handbook, Vol. 1 – General Engineering published by the Society of Petroleum Engineers. He has taught numerous short courses domestically and internationally. Dr. Wright is active in a number of professional societies and is a registered professional engineer in three states. He served on the Board of Directors for the Society of Petroleum Evaluation Engineers and has twice been honored at SPEEs national meeting for Service to the Society.
John C. Horne, Ph.D.
Dr. Horne is a sedimentologist/stratigrapher who has more than 35 years technical and management experience in the petroleum industry. This includes 25 years of energy consulting in Rocky Mountain and Gulf Coast basins. He has also participated in hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation projects in North America, South America, Europe, Africa, and Australia. This experience has provided a strong background in exploration, development, and data acquisition for energy-based companies.
In 1981, Dr. Horne started the Energy Division of RPI International, Inc. Under his direction, RPI became an industry leader in multi-subscriber regional studies of hydrocarbon play trends. RPI completed more than 35 regional studies and basinwide databases in the United States and Canada over a 10-year period. Many of the regional studies generated at RPI are available to license at www.geodigitalinfo.com.
In 1990, Dr. Horne assisted Ecopetrol and ICP in establishing a regional study group in Colombia. Their first project was an assessment of the hydrocarbon potential of the Llanos Basin. More recently, he started a regional study group for Intera Information Technologies, Inc. (now Schlumberger-Holditch Reservoir Technologies). While there, he worked on projects in the United States, the North Sea, Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, and Argentina. Since 1996, Dr. Horne has consulted on a variety of unconventional reservoirs (coalbed methane, shale gas, shale oil and heavy oil) and other energy-related projects through his consulting company Orion International Limited.
Dr. Horne earned a Ph.D. in Geology from the University of Illinois and did a post-doctorate at Louisiana State University. He taught at the University of South Carolina and the Colorado School of Mines and authored numerous scientific publications on Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Tertiary age strata in North America, South America, and Africa. Dr. Horne is a former AAPG Distinguished Lecturer and has taught industry courses in the applications of depositional modeling and sequence stratigraphy in hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation. These include AAPG field seminars on Ancient Clastics and the Sequence Stratigraphic Influence on Sandstone Reservoir Characteristics of Cretaceous Foreland Basin Deposits. He is a member of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG), the Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists (SEPM), the Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists (RMAG), and the Wyoming Geological Association (WGA).
Michael S. Stoner, Ph.D.
Dr. Stoner performs reservoir simulation and database design and implementation for Wright Consulting Company. He is the owner of Stoner Engineering Software (SES) and currently manages SES sales and technical support. He created Technical Hole Deviation (THD) and related technology, and the geosteering terms and mathematical concepts 3DStratBlock and Relative Stratigraphic Depth (RSD).
Before SES, Mike worked as a subcontracting engineering/programming consultant (Norwest Corporation, Norwest Questa Engineering, Questa Engineering) for numerous end clients on predominantly reservoir engineering and reservoir simulation projects. His technical expertise is custom software development as it relates to oil and natural gas business needs, from more than 16 years of experience. Before consulting, Mike worked temporary drilling and production positions for Anadarko Petroleum, Texaco E&P, and Oryx Energy. He specialized in drilling engineering while working for Professor Emeritus Dr. Billy J. Mitchell for six years at Colorado School of Mines.
Dr. Stoner is well-trained in database programming, directional drilling mathematics, and petroleum engineering. He has created literally dozens of proprietary custom software applications and systems in the energy consulting environment related to reservoir, production, drilling, and oil/gas/CBM field economics. The value and leadership Mike provides come from combinations of industry, technical, and computer knowledge & experience, as well as an inherent thirst to help people help themselves. His unique career path has fueled the deliberate practice required to sustain superior software.
Jennifer Miskimins, Ph.D.
Dr. Jennifer Miskimins is a Senior Consulting Engineer for Barree & Associates. She also holds a tenured appointment as an Associate Professor in the Petroleum Engineering Department at the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, CO. She has been teaching in the CSM PE department since 2002 and holds B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Petroleum Engineering. Dr. Miskimins conducts research in various areas of stimulation technology and is the Director of the Fracturing, Acidizing, Stimulation Technology (FAST) Consortium and Co-Director of the Unconventional Natural Gas Institute (UNGI).
Dr. Miskimins worked for Marathon Oil Company for eight years in Wyoming, Colorado, and Louisiana prior to returning to graduate school in 1998. She was mainly stationed in field locations and was responsible for designing and supervising production, stimulation, and workover operations. Her work in academia has continued along those lines where she specializes in design and implementation of hydraulic fracturing and unconventional reservoir stimulation.
Dr. Miskimins teaches a variety of courses including completions and stimulation classes, geologic field camps, and petroleum economics courses at CSM and as industry short courses. She is a member of SPE, SPWLA, AAPG, Sigma Xi, and ASEE and currently serves as the Executive Editor for the SPE Production & Operations Journal. Most recently, she was selected as an SPE Distinguished Lecturer for 2010-2011 and 2013-2014.
Mike G. Long, P.E.
Mr. Long has more than 35 years experience in planning, developing, and directing major exploration and production projects in the international oil & gas industry. His expertise includes project management and negotiation of mergers and acquisitions. His operational initiatives have strategically resulted in increased oil production in Kazakhstan, Russia, Egypt (Gulf of Suez and Nile Delta), Colorado, Wyoming, and other U.S. locations.
He currently serves as President of MGL Capital, LLC, an energy and risk-analysis consulting firm. Prior to this, Long served as President and CEO of Nations Petroleum Company in Calgary. In addition, he held a General Director position with Nations Energy in Kazakhstan, leading a 3,000 employee production company and more than tripling Nations oil production from 15,000 bpd in 2001 to 56,000 bpd in 2006. He also led, in Kazakhstan, Nations 2006 sale to CITIC Group for $1.9 Billion. Before lending his talents to Nations, Long held management positions at BP and Amoco Corporation, retiring from BP in 2000.
He earned his bachelors degree in Petroleum Engineering from Colorado School of Mines and has attended the University of Toronto, Rotman School of Management, completing the Directors Education Program.
Gary Whitney, Multimedia Specialist
Gary has more than 30 years experience in digital illustration with specialization in graphic design and multimedia platforms. He has a wealth of experience in creating visually compelling design solutions for the oil & gas industry. His expertise includes custom graphic design, PowerPoint presentations, continuing education materials, convention booth visuals, advertising and promotional materials, desktop publishing, brochures, digital image editing, logo creation, and report design. He is fluent in Corel Draw, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, In Design, Acrobat and Microsoft Office products.
Gary earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Natural Science from Fort Lewis College, and an Associate Degree in Cartography, and a Graduate Certificate in GIS from the University of Denver.
Gary has spent the last 5 years as a Senior Graphics Designer for Norwest Questa Engineering. He has held similar positions throughout his career with Exxon, Champlin Petroleum, Rocky Mountain Energy, Orion International, and the U.S. Department of Energy (the Yucca Mountain Project and the Western Area Power Administration (WAPA).
William C. Pearson, Ph.D.
Bill is a potential field geophysicist with strong engineering and oceanography training. He has consulted in hundreds of exploration projects throughout the world, has written and sold advanced gravity, magnetic, processing and interpretation software for work stations and PC?s to major, independent, and foreign oil companies. He has taught dozens of industry schools on gravity/magnetic fundamentals and advanced computer techniques. Bill developed the popular and powerful gravity and magnetic 3D modeling software GMSYS3D in conjunction with GEOSOFT. This program computes both direct and inverse models with both vertically and horizontally varying rock properties. Bill has performed quality control, processing and interpretation of airborne gravity and/or full tensor gradient gravity surveys in South America, Africa, Canada and the U.S. He has participated as a successful team member in identifying petroleum prospects leading to discovery of fields ranging in size from less than one MMbo to over 500 MMbo. Bill has performed quality control and reprocessing of airborne gravity and full tensor gradient gravity surveys in South America, Africa, Canada and the U.S.
Bill earned a B.S. in Geophysical Engineering from the Colorado School of Mines and a Ph.D. in Oceanography from the University of Washington. He served as the Society of Exploration Geophysicists 2004-2005 Second Vice President. He served as Denver Geophysical Society?s Secretary, Vice President and then President in 2007 and is on the Board for 2009 as Prior Past President. He has been Co-Chairman of the Denver Geophysical Society/Rocky Mountain Association of Geologist annual 3-D Seismic Symposium for 15 years. Bill is also Co-Chairman of a new Innovative Geophysical Technologies Symposium in Denver in February, 2009. Bill is serving on the Technical Program Committee for the 2009 AAPG Convention in Denver. He completed eight years as a member and Chairman for 2001 for the SEG Scholarship Committee. Bill co-authored two patents for utilization of neural networks to map magnetic basement structure. He was, along with Texaco, awarded the PTTC’s 1995 Technology Transfer Award for the neural network technology. Bill is a member of Denver International Petroleum Society, Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists, Geological Society of America, Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Gamma Epsilon, Colorado School of Mines Alumni Association. Dr. Pearson is currently serving on committees for the RMAG, and DGS.
Additional Associates
Wright Consulting Company has access to a large number of other consultants in the area of drilling, formation evaluation, field operations, geology, geomodeling, geophysical interpretation, reservoir engineering, well completions, property evaluation, and most other aspects of the upstream oil and gas business. We have worked with these consultants over many years, most on several projects. We can put together teams to help with everything from operations to property acquisition. Finding the right people is an art and we have mastered it.